"What's New in Titanium Studio 1.0.7" Q&Aメモ
Audience Question
Q: How many people are in?
A: looks like currently ~200
Audience Question
Q: PS. We're native iOS developers (circa 2-3 years now). We started using titanium a week ago and we're REALLY impressed!
A: awesome, we hope you really like it!
Audience Question
Q: Is it possible to downgrade to studio 1.0.7 I had the beta release installed wrong setting in studio upgrade :(
A: There are instructions for switching version on the Titanium Studio wiki at wiki.appcelerator.org
Audience Question
Q: Why it is free?, How do you guys make your money?
A: a combination of professional services, enterprise level support, and subscriptions for add-ons to the core Titanium Mobile SDK
Audience Question
Q: will we have access to the slides?
A: yup, they will be posted on the blog with the video recording.
Audience Question
Q: Are you aware of instabilities with the new module integration? (Titanium Mobile v1.8) and do you know of any release dates to fix the issues?
A: If you have specific issues, it would be best to report them on the community JIRA project (jira.appcelerator.org) and watch the ticket. Be sure to search for existing issues - it could be we have some known issues along the lines of what you're seeing
Audience Question
Q: Is this Lession will talk about media upload to a webserver
A: This session will cover the Titanium STudio IDE specifically, so not today. We'll have some file upload sample code in a presentation on Friday of next week.
Audience Question
Q: Are we ever going to be able to develop for iOS in Windows?
A: we use the native iOS toolchain, which is available on iOS only -so iOS dev on Windows seems unlikely at this point :(
Audience Question
Q: Are we ever going to be able to develop for iOS in Windows?
A: excuse me, available on Mac OS only (the Xcode and iOS tools)
Audience Question
Q: Are there are plans to have offer default project templates - e.g. the Navigation Controller in ep 02 of the Forging Series for easy starting and best practice. One of the hardest things with Titanium is knowing you're doing things right...
A: Yes! We'll be rolling those out very soon.
Audience Question
Q: not me, but the developer of the module I recently purchased (cloudekit) has said he's waiting for a less buggy Titanium Mobile SDK before updating the modules to work with v1.8
A: that should be possible today - if yury has specific bugs, he should let us know, we'd be happy to help.
Audience Question
Q: will those templates be created as "single context"
A: yes.
Audience Question
Q: I'm only seeing one template in my dashboard... Should I see more?
A: not yet, we'll be releasing 3 more this month.
Audience Question
Q: When will we be able to import Titanium Mobile Module Projects or is there a manual way to import these now?
A: good Q for ingo after the presentation
Audience Question
Q: In my "Develop" tab I have only "Create new project", tab and the othet two are not there
A: It could be Tony is using a slightly newer version of the dashboard. Ask him that after the presentation and we can answer live.
Audience Question
Q: I'm guessing Yury has already raised the issues... he seemed passionate about the problems with the recent v1.8 modules
A: We're not aware of any blocking issues for 1.8 - if he or you can identify specific issues, we'd be happy to help. community@appcelerator.com
Audience Question
Q: (off-topic question: which screncast app are you using to record this webinar?)
A: we're using the built in GoToMeeting recording (but FWIW it stinks :(
Audience Question
Q: (off-topic question: which screncast app are you using to record this webinar?)
A: it's usable, but not really that nice.
Audience Question
Q: Does V8 bring good performance increses in webviews? things like using open source mapping for instance?
A: the V8 runtime used by Titanium native apps is not used by the built-in webview component specifically, but on Android a very close version of v8 should already be used.
Audience Question
Q: I am using 1.0.7, but I don't see the SDK version, do I need to do something special?
A: The RC was a pre-release version of Titanium - you should be able to select the most recent version, which is
Audience Question
Q: debugging going to work with CommonJS anytime soon ?
A: it's supposed to, but I haven't tried with yet. ping me Ket (Kevin here) and let me know the configuration you have which doesn't work.
Audience Question
Q: Access to Android AVDs is confusing and its difficult to change AVD for emulating different Android devices. Any plans to enhance AVD support &/or creation inside Studio?
A: Good ? for Ingo later, ask him if I don't already on your behalf during the live Q&A
Audience Question
Q: ie this webinar gonna pretty much follow the recent Forging screencast on Ti Studio?
A: Lots will be similar, yes - big difference is the ability to talk with Ingo and ask questions.
Audience Question
Q: This is looking awesome! Great work guys! When will the recording of this be available? I have to leave the office soon.
A: Will be available later tonight or by Monday.
Audience Question
Q: what i would love is a cloud sync between different ti-studios i use, i create a snippet at office i can access at home etc and the same tabs i have open in one sys can be synced to other... :)
A: good thought, I'll have Ingo jump on it :) - seriously though, do a JIRA ticket as a feature request, never hurst to ask and rally support around your ticket with watches.
Audience Question
Q: how do you get the snippets and templates to show up in your app explorer?
A: They won't ever be in the app explorer view as such, since that's only for Titanium and web apps.
Audience Question
Q: what about creating a mobile web project?
A: When creating a new project for Titanium Mobile, Mobile Web is one of the deployment targets (Like iOS and Android and iPad).
Audience Question
Q: How do you enable the snippet [tab] autocomplete feature he demonstrated?
A: should be enabled on any JavaScript file you edit in a Titanium Mobile project.
Audience Question
Q: What was the address of the quickstart?
A: linked here: https://wiki.appcelerator.org/display/guides/Home
Audience Question
Q: What is the url of ruble help documentation?
A: https://wiki.appcelerator.org/display/tis/Home
Audience Question
Q: Are there plans to integrate Desktop Module Projects?
A: not at this time.
Audience Question
Q: When will there be better (or built-in) support for Mercurial?
A: not from us - there may be third party mercurial Eclipse plugins to explore.
Audience Question
Q: Can I set/get the brightness of the screen on the iPhone in Titanium. If not how could I access it - not being a reel xCode developer. How would you do it?
A: that's not currently an API we expose.
Audience Question
Q: Has there been a fix to the repeatCount being ignored on the second call? And what would that be?
A: I'm not familiar with this specific issue - if there's a Q&A item of JIRA ticket around this, we would like to help if we can.
Audience Question
Q: Will Titanium Studio support the webOS 3.0 SDK in the future?
A: we have no plans to do so at this time
Audience Question
Q: Will it be support to develop directly in Coffeescript?
A: check out Wynn's video here: http://www.appcelerator.com/showcase/videos/codestrong2011/
Audience Question
Q: re: repeatCount question. The issue is discussed here: http://developer.appcelerator.com/question/4831/imageview-repeatcount-bug
A: I can take a look at it that Q&A item and comment there.
Audience Question
Q: Is support for Newsstand apps coming to Titanium?
A: It's on our roadmap, but it's likely not going to be in our core SDK in the 1.9 timeframe. It's a good candidate for a module though. Also, if you search the Q&A, a few folks have found "hack" solutions for Newsstand.
Audience Question
Q: Any future plans to also include Windows phone 7
A: It's very possible, but we have no immediate plans.
Audience Question
Q: Is 1.1 under "Release Candidate Updates", "Beta Updates", or "Nightly Updates"?
A: nightlies
Audience Question
Q: When bugs get fixed and we get a new update is there information on what has been fixed.
A: we do release notes with fixed bugs with every product release, which we link to in the announcement blog posts. You can also watch specific JIRA tickets.
Audience Question
Q: I remember someone discussed about getting access to the templates you had on your system is that possible?
A: They're available in the beta update stream for Studio, but they will be available very soon as GA also.
Audience Question
Q: Will the existing samples (eg., KitchenSink) be updated to work with SDK 1.8?
A: yes
Audience Question
Q: when can we expect "MobileWeb" enabled in titanium> do u support 3rd party js frameworks like jq touch/sencha touch for mobile web?
A: we have our own UI APIs - you should be able to use jQTouch or Sencha as plugins, though
Audience Question
Q: Maybe a SDK question then, will there be a websocket/socket.io/now.js buildin anytime soon? So we don't have to use a webview for that?
A: We may hack something together in developer relations, but it likely won't be in core Titanium soon, as it's not on our roadmap.
Audience Question
Q: RE: Timeline for Blackberry: You say Blackberry is for Enterprise only, but it is only in beta right? As there are a lot of issues with it we are more interested in a production / GA release as the last beta was in July I believe.
A: we will have a blackberry product announcement in two weeks with updates on what we're doing with the SDK, stay tuned.
Audience Question
Q: When is CanvasView going to be implemented on Ti Mobile? We'll need easy charting eventually.
A: you can do any canvas based charting components using an embedded WebView control